Get the most memorable wedding celebration with us in our Wedding Special Events featuring our trained bird-of-preys as they fly over the crowd to deliver your wedding rings! Truly an experience worthy to be part of the most important day of your life.
Quick Details
An educational experience with your avian friends at Nashville, Tennessee!
We will bring 3-5 birds of prey including hawks, falcons and owls (depending on the age of students and group size). We can start them all tethered for the talk OR they can stay in traveling boxes, and we’ll bring them out one at a time during the educational experience with your students.
We can do a flying display after the talk followed by handling/photos of our exotic raptors (non-indigenous), depending on the time allowed.
The children can handle our Exotic/non-indigenous birds one at a time (more children require longer visits for everyone to get a chance). We cannot guarantee every child can handle a bird but we will try. Photos allowed.
During the talk we cover in a fun way – anatomy, habitat, camouflage, flight, diet and more.
We will also bring along and show the children when available – skulls, feathers, talons, eggs and bird ‘pellets’ (undigested parts of their food formed into a cast).